
Fine art prints are the best way to enjoy the Art of photography. They are collector pieces, print under my control by a talented craftmen. Each print is a limited edition of a maximum of 30 copy all formats.

Every prints is numbered, hand-signed by myself and accompanied by a certificate of authenticity.




La plus belle façon d'apprécier une photo d'Art est sans aucun doute de l'imprimer sur un beau papier et de l'exposer. Les tirages d'Art sont des oeuvres de collection, tirés, sous mon contrôle, par un talentueux artisan. Chaque tirage d'art est une edition limitée à un maximum de 30 exemplaires tout formats confondus.

Les tirages sont numérotés et signés à la main, livrés accompagnés d'un certificat d'authenticité.


Paper use is a 100% coton, Baryta Prestige Canson Fine Art 340g/m2.

ISO 9706 conform / museum quality for highest age resistance.

Life capacity 110 years.





Le papier utilisé est un Baryta Prestige Canson Fine Art 340g/m2.

Conforme à la norme ISO 9706 / qualité musée pour la plus haute conservation.

Capacité de vie 110 ans.


Prints exist in 3 sizes:

The SMALL version is 50cm for the widest side.

The MEDIUM version is 90cm.

The LARGE is 150cm.

Do not hesitate to request if you need a specific size / dimension.



Les tirages existent en 3 formats:

La version SMALL 50cm pour le plus long coté.

La version MEDIUM 90cm.

La version LARGE 150cm.

Ne pas hésiter à me contacter par Mail si besoin d'un format particulier.


The prints shown here meet the tax definition of a work of art (Directive 94/5/CE). They are limited to a maximum of 30 copies, all formats.






Les tirages ici exposés, répondent à la définition fiscal d'oeuvre d'art (Directive 94/5/CE). Ils sont limités à 30 exemplaires maximum, tous formats confondus.


Prices shown here do not include framing. So you can manage it on your own. However, I advise to see this together and under your acceptance of the estimate, to let my craftsmen do the job. The framing is something serious, it usually represents a significant cost but it is the finition that sublimates the Artwork and which guarantees that long life conservation.

Les prix indiqués ici ne comprennent pas l'encadrement. Il vous ai donc possible de le gérer de votre coté. Cependant je conseille de voir cela ensemble, et sous acceptation de votre part du devis, le faire réaliser par mon artisan. L'encadrement est à prendre au sèrieux, il représente généralement un coût important mais il est l'écrin qui sublime l'oeuvre et garantit sa conservation.

Pour toute autre demande contactez moi :



Simon Lefebvre


This print is available in 3 different size


Small : 50cm x 33,5cm  -  Limited Edition of 30  -   400,00€

Medium : 90cm x 60cm  -  Limited Edition of 30  -   700,00€

Large : 150cm x 100cm  -  Limited Edition of 30  -   1000,00€



To order just send me an Email with photo reference , the size and i'll come back to you.


Climber Highway

Simon Lefebvre


This print is available in 3 different size


Small : 50cm x 33,5cm  -  Limited Edition of 30  -   400,00€

Medium : 90cm x 60cm  -  Limited Edition of 30  -   700,00€

Large : 150cm x 100cm  -  Limited Edition of 30  -   1000,00€



To order just send me an Email with photo reference , the size and i'll come back to you.


Way of Sherpa

Simon Lefebvre


This print is available in 3 different size


Small : 50cm x 33,5cm  -  Limited Edition of 30  -   400,00€

Medium : 90cm x 60cm  -  Limited Edition of 30  -   700,00€

Large : 150cm x 100cm  -  Limited Edition of 30  -   1000,00€



To order just send me an Email with photo reference , the size and i'll come back to you.



Simon Lefebvre


This print is available in 3 different size


Small : 50cm x 33,5cm  -  Limited Edition of 30  -   400,00€

Medium : 90cm x 60cm  -  Limited Edition of 30  -   700,00€

Large : 150cm x 100cm  -  Limited Edition of 30  -   1000,00€



To order just send me an Email with photo reference , the size and i'll come back to you.


Mountain Highway

Simon Lefebvre


This print is available in 3 different size


Small : 50cm x 33,5cm  -  Limited Edition of 30  -   400,00€

Medium : 90cm x 60cm  -  Limited Edition of 30  -   700,00€

Large : 150cm x 100cm  -  Limited Edition of 30  -   1000,00€



To order just send me an Email with photo reference , the size and i'll come back to you.


Indo Aryen

Simon Lefebvre


This print is available in 3 different size


Small : 50cm x 33,5cm  -  Limited Edition of 30  -   400,00€

Medium : 90cm x 60cm  -  Limited Edition of 30  -   700,00€

Large : 150cm x 100cm  -  Limited Edition of 30  -   1000,00€



To order just send me an Email with photo reference , the size and i'll come back to you.


After earthquake

Simon Lefebvre


This print is available in 3 different size


Small : 50cm x 33,5cm  -  Limited Edition of 30  -   400,00€

Medium : 90cm x 60cm  -  Limited Edition of 30  -   700,00€

Large : 150cm x 100cm  -  Limited Edition of 30  -   1000,00€



To order just send me an Email with photo reference , the size and i'll come back to you.




This print is available in 3 different size


Small : 50cm x 33,5cm  -  Limited Edition of 30  -   400,00€

Medium : 90cm x 60cm  -  Limited Edition of 30  -   700,00€

Large : 150cm x 100cm  -  Limited Edition of 30  -   1000,00€



To order just send me an Email with photo reference , the size and i'll come back to you.


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